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    Suzhou lubricating oil enrichment tips

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    Suzhou lubricating oil enrichment tips

    Date of release:2017-12-09 Author: Click:

    Life, the application of lubricants more widely, and its performance is still very prominent role in the preparation process, which is the need to obtain the trial gum, then in the process can not do without the concentration process, because this It is relatively important to everyone when preparing the product. Here to listen to industry experts to combat a detailed introduction.

    Suzhou lubricants manufacturers, the product is mainly concentrated in the quality of the following aspects:

    1, the particle size should be appropriate large, should be based on the application of the lubricant particle size requirements can not, in the process of lubricating oil concentration to be adjusted.

    2, Stable storage period, at least one year. In these three aspects, the lubricating oil particle size should be the main, especially at higher concentrations, the larger the particle size requirement.

    Through the text to explain the content, we can generally understand the little knowledge of lubricating oil concentration, to remind everyone in this process try to avoid too much small particle size, otherwise it will affect the quality of the product. So today on the introduction of oil content on the road here, I hope you can solve the doubts of everyone, for your help.

    The address of this article:http://www.mzb6.com/en/news/350.html

    Related labels:Suzhoulubricants

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