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    Good Suzhou industrial lubricants must include the performance

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    Good Suzhou industrial lubricants must include the performance

    Date of release:2017-12-09 Author: Click:

    First, good lubricity

            Under various conditions, the ability of the engine oil to reduce friction, reduce wear and prevent metal sintering, called engine lubricity. The viscosity of engine oil is an important indicator for evalsuating lubricity.

    Second, good low temperature operation

            From the engine oil to ensure that the engine at low temperatures easy to start and reliable fuel supply performance, called the engine oil low temperature operation. The low temperature operability of engine oils includes both low temperature starting and reduced starting wear. The main indicators for assessing the low-temperature operability of engine oils are low-temperature dynamic viscosity, boundary pumping temperature and pour point.

     Third, a good viscosity and temperature

           Lubricating oil due to temperature change and the nature of the viscosity change, called sticky temperature. Good viscosity and temperature, refers to the viscosity of oil with temperature changes to a small extent. Temperature on the viscosity of oil: the temperature increases, the viscosity decreases; the temperature decreases, the viscosity increases. Adding a viscosity index improver to the base oil increases the viscosity of the oil. With low viscosity base oil and viscosity index improver deployment, has a good viscosity and temperature, can meet the requirements of low temperature use of engine oil, called the thickening oil or multi-stage oil, usually said. The index to evalsuate the viscosity of engine oil is the viscosity index.

    Fourth, a good clean decentralization

            Engine oil can inhibit carbon deposition, paint and sludge generation or removal of these deposits performance, called the cleanliness of the oil dispersion.

    Fifth, good antioxidant

            Under certain conditions, the ability of engine oil to resist oxidative deterioration is called the oxygen resistance of engine oil. It is to determine whether the engine oil in the use of perishable, the corrosion of parts and the tendency to generate sediment is to determine the engine oil life is an important factor.

    Six, good corrosion resistance

            Suzhou industrial lubricants engine oil resistance to corrosive substances on the ability of metal corrosion, called the corrosion resistance of engine oil. The indicator for evalsuating the corrosion resistance of engine oil is the neutralization value, which is also evalsuated by the corresponding engine test.

    Seven, good anti-foam

            Engine oil to eliminate the nature of the foam, called the anti-foam engine oil. When the engine oil is subjected to intense agitation, the air will be mixed with oil, it will produce foam, foam, if not eliminated in time, will have gas resistance, fuel shortage and other failures. The index to evalsuate the anti-foaming properties of engine oils is the generation of foam-dumping and foam stability.

    The address of this article:http://www.mzb6.com/en/news/353.html

    Related labels:Suzhouindustriallubricants

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