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    Suzhou Force Lubricant Co., Ltd.

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    What are the main industrial lubricants in Suzhou?

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    What are the main industrial lubricants in Suzhou?

    Date of release:2017-12-09 Author: Click:

    What are the main industrial lubricants in Suzhou?

    1. Hydraulic oil - hydraulic drive system (eg injection molding machine, excavation)

    2. Engine oil - Engine (eg engine, power machinery)

    3. Gear oil - transmission gear mechanism (open, closed gear with different oil)

      4. Circulating oil - Circulation system (eg paper machine circulation system)

    5. Compressor oil - air compressor (reciprocating, screw and vane)

      6. Refrigeration oil - refrigeration compressor (refrigeration equipment)

    7. Rail oil - machine tool guide, chute (film strength higher)

      8. Spark oil - electricity cutting (such as CNC cutting machine)

    9. Anti-rust oil - rust-proof parts (such as steel, steel cables, chains)

    10. Oil film bearing oil - oil film bearings (such as textile machinery)

    11. Cutting Oil - Metal Processing (Oil and Water Solubility)

    12. Rolling oil - steel, aluminum rolling (cold rolling and hot rolling)

    13. Insulation oil - circuit insulation (such as transformers, insulation switch)

    14. Grease - all kinds of bearings, rolling rods (lithium, calcium, aluminum, etc.)

    The address of this article:http://www.mzb6.com/en/news/359.html

    Related labels:Suzhoulubricants

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