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    Relationship between lubricant quality monitoring and equipment lubrication

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    Relationship between lubricant quality monitoring and equipment lubrication

    Date of release:2017-12-09 Author: Click:

    Mechanical equipment due to poor lubrication caused by abnormal wear and tear, which is to increase energy consumption, affecting normal operation, an important factor to shorten the service life. Since this kind of wear and tear of equipment occurs in a subtle way, it should usually be given high priority.

        (1) Viscosity is an important performance of lubricating oil, is the key indicator of oil grades. The higher the viscosity is chosen, the thicker the oil film is formed by the friction, the stronger the piers are, but the greater the frictional resistance and the corresponding increase in energy consumption. The correct choice of viscosity index is to ensure the normal operation of the premise. Lubricants are subjected to certain loads, repeated shearing and environmental influences (moisture, temperature, humidity, dust) during long-term use, oxidation of oil to produce asphaltene or semi-oil coke suspensions, and Do not dissolve in the oil of other oxides, thus changing the original viscosity of lubricating oil, reducing the lubricating performance, thus affecting the normal operation of equipment. Visible in the equipment operation to monitor the viscosity of the oil changes, so that the use of indicators in the range of how important significance.

        (2) Flash point and ignition point are a kind of high temperature performance of all kinds of oil, which is an important factor to ensure that the oil can be used safely. All equipment in operation to be a certain load, Suzhou Industrial Lubricants have a certain speed of movement, the movement of parts due to friction and heat and temperature rise, and sometimes the working temperature is quite high. Therefore, the choice of flash point and flashpoint value of the lubricating oil used must be higher than the high working temperature, generally higher than 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃ or higher. If the lubricating oil mixed with light oil or other flash point and low oil-soluble substances, the safety of the equipment at work is not guaranteed.

        (3) Lube oil can generate a large amount of acidic compounds and water-soluble acids (inorganic acids and low molecular weight organic acids) or water-soluble bases due to the pollution of substances such as oxidation or dust during use. With this acid in the oil, the base value increases, and its corrosion on mechanical equipment is also enhanced. Therefore, the oil in the pH value must be controlled within the allowable range.

        (4) Water mixed with lubricating oil will not only reduce the film strength, but also accelerate the oxidative deterioration of lubricating oil and strengthen the corrosive effect of low molecular weight organic acids on the metal. Therefore, the moisture content of lubricants is a strict control of quality control indicators.

        (5) The content of mechanical impurities is also an important indicator of oil quality monitoring. All solid impurities suspended and precipitated in oil are collectively referred to as mechanical impurities. When the oil mixed with larger and harder solid particles, especially when the metal powder into the friction surface, the parts will wear abrasive wear, clogging the filter, hinder the correct circulation of lubricating oil. Some impurities also have the catalyst to degrade the lubricant.

        Lubricating oil is considered to carry out the quality control of lubricating oil lubrication management is an important part of its equipment for the friction and wear, slippery conditions and oil mastery, analysis of equipment operating conditions, to explore changes in oil quality and improve the equipment intact Rate, save energy and improve the service life of equipment, etc. are of great significance.

    The address of this article:http://www.mzb6.com/en/news/362.html

    Related labels:Suzhouindustriallubricants

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